Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Cry-it-out sucks.
I am a firm believer that if and when all else fails, let them cry themselves to sleep. Joshua has never been a problem sleeper, but the past few weeks, he has developed nightmares and wakes up screaming like a banshee. In contrast, he is also afraid of his crib now. tenses up and starts screaming when put to bed.
Re-sleep train him, I've been told. So here we are. We haven't dealt with this up-all-night syndrome since he was 5 weeks old. I am having a hard time adjusting, and am tired and cranky. So we got out the books and methods and re-read up on them, and have settled on cry-it-out. Not my first choice, but he didn't cooperate with the more gentle theories.
The pain in my heart of sitting, listening to him scream to be picked up, is tearing me up. Poor guy. So far he hasn't asked for Mama or Dada yet. We have done it for 3 nights and days(naps) now, and it is getting better. we are at my parents and no nightmares last night! One wake up, but he was 'happy baby' at that time. Maybe I will be able to catch up on my sleep soon. Migraines suck too!

On an amusing note, when we stay at my parent's house, the portable crib is in the same room as us. Shaun was snoring really bad last night, in fact it woke me up at around 1:30 am. as I am trying to fall back asleep, I hear this giggling. that's right, Joshua was sitting up, laughing hysterically every time that Shaun snored. He thought it was a game. When I picked him up to go get some warm milk, he tried to peek inside my mouth. Hey, it wasn't coming from ME, kiddo!

Yesterday we went to the Wayne County fair and saw horsies and moo-cows and piggies and he ate funnel cake(thank you Grandma!) and watermelon, and was generally excited. Come back to Grandma's house and see Granddad, and the puppies and get even MORE excited. Yay!

We found that Mott's has some blended applesauces, like peach-mango-applesauce that is sugar free, and I am going to try that to get some apple into him. :)

Not much happened yesterday, so not much to write about.

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