Thursday, September 13, 2007


If you didn't guess by the subject of this posting, last night was an official start to children's handbells and our Wednesday night Kids Club at church. Shaun and I had fun, me in charge of the kids and their story and craft and snacks, him in charge of the music we will be working on for our Christmas program. Here's a bright, bold newsflash. I CANNOT PLAY HANDBELLS. Seriously, I was a filler bell until we get more kids. They did so much better than me. Alas, I am apparently only good at arranging their reading and music/acting. oh well. Shaun kept wincing at me and I think the girls got a huge laugh out of it all. The sad part is it is all color-coded, since they are bells for kids. *whoops*

Shaun is currently playing with the little monkey we call a son. He is playing Poke Joshua in the Belly Button. It is a new favorite around here. So much so that Joshua will randomly crawl over, stand up while we are sitting on the couch, pull up my shirt and poke MY belly button and then laugh and laugh. He thinks he is the silliest kid in town.

HSM came on the Disney Channel the other night and SOMEBODY can see the television from his high chair. All of the sudden, between bites, we are hearing an echo. "Bop bop bop, yeah"(television). "Boo boob bob bob bob yah yah yah bob bob" (Joshua). We almost choked while he worked out his bop-bops, it was so funny.

Got my sleep training book from the library today. Hopefully it's going to work. :)

That's about all I can think of since it is almost bedtime. Want to come go Night-nights with us?

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